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4 Tools for Improving Home Security in Toronto

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Get some helpful tools here for improving your home security in Toronto. For more alarm systems & home security solutions, contact our team today!

Home Security / March 30, 2020

How robust is the security of your Toronto home?  Home security systems have come a long way in recent years, and with the right upgrades, your house can be more secure than ever before.  That’s vital for protecting your property – and your family – from the ever-present criminals who might try to take advantage of you.

These are some of the systems we consider to be must-haves for proper Toronto home security.

4 Must-Have Upgrades to Ensure Your Toronto Home Security

1. Monitored Security Alarms

Few forms of home security in Toronto can bring better peace-of-mind than monitored security alarms.  Statistically, homes without alarm systems are nearly three times as likely to be burgled than those with alarms.  When you pair high-quality alarms with 24/7 oversight from a trusted monitoring service, your home will be far safer from unwanted intrusion. 

2. Online Security Cameras

Today’s outdoor and indoor security cameras are smarter than ever!  Rather than just passively recording events, new security cameras are online and feature motion-sensing capabilities.  They can spot potentially suspicious activity, instantly notify you via your smartphone, and then provide a live video feed for you to see.  That way, not only do you stay safe, but you can also screen out any false alarms such as animals crossing your yard.

3. Smart Lights

Outdoor lighting systems have also gotten much smarter!  Outdoor lights are always a deterrent to crime, and now smart lights have features that improve their effectiveness:

  • Lighting timers.  It’s no longer necessary to manually turn your outdoor lights on and off – they can do it themselves, based on timers, or simply by sensing the ambient light levels.
  • Motion sensors.  If you don’t want to leave your outdoor lights on all night (due to the power usage) they can be set up with motion sensors.  This provides a two-in-one benefit.  You’ll always have illuminated paths to your home when you need them, and you’ll also deter thieves who prefer the darkness.

4. Digital Door Locks

Why keep fumbling for keys that you might use, which go into locks that -by and large- are easily picked by skilled burglars?  An upgrade to keyless smart locks makes your home more resistant to intrusion, while also making it easier for legitimate visitors to get inside.

Riowell wants to keep you safe, with these products and many more.  Contact us for a full Toronto home security consultation.